Utilities (Water & Wastewater)
At the City of Portage, we are committed to providing safe, high quality water services to our community, while maintaining a standard of excellence in customer service and environmental conservation. Feel free to contact our office if you have any questions or need assistance with any matters related to the water we provide.
View & Pay Your Portage Utility Bill Online Now!
Register with Payment Service Network to view your bill, make an immediate payment, schedule a payment or set up your own auto pay.
Click Here to PAY NOW
If you have any questions or need assistance, please call our online utility payment and billing provider, Payment Service Network (PSN), toll-free at 877-885-7968. They can help you get started.
The City of Portage performs compliance monitoring of its drinking water in accordance with DNR requirements. This data is summarized annually in a Consumer Confidence Report. The Consumer Confidence Report can be viewed online under related documents. Bill paying consumers receive the report via a direct mailing. For non-bill paying consumers, copies of the report are available at the Water Department located at 135 Northridge Drive, Portage, Wisconsin. Questions or concerns regarding the report should be directed to Jerad Royal, Utility Manager at 608-742-4727 ext. 162.
Current Lead and Copper Service Line Inventory list can be found using the attached link - https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/13JO20RWm_IL5FbgC3nEI33voCutQ2QnY/edit?usp=drive_link&ouid=118411432328301417662&rtpof=true&sd=true
Per Wisconsin DNR regulations, DNR 810.15 and Comm. 82.41, the Portage Water Utility staff will be conducting a residential cross-connection control program in accordance with the City of Portage ordinance, Chapter 78, sec. 78-36. The purpose of the cross-connection control program is to ensure the safety and quality of our drinking water.
A cross-connection is a direct or potential connection between any part of the public water supply system and a source of contamination or pollution. Potential hazards are toilets, laundry tubs, water softeners, boilers, lawn irrigation systems, inside / outside hose bibs.
A letter will be mailed to the Portage Water Utility customers to inform and confirm compliance with the CCC program. Informational literature concerning cross-connections will be provided. To be compliant, make sure the product(s) you purchase has the American Society of Sanitary Engineering (ASSE) symbol on the package or on the product itself.
Corrective actions are the responsibility of the property owner. Properties failing to correct a non-compliant water connection will be subject to disconnection of their water service.
Water Monthly Service Charges:
5/8-inch meter - $7.87 3/4-inch meter - $7.87 1-inch meter - $12.37
1 1/4-inch meter - $16.86 1 1/2-inch meter - $22.49 2-inch meter - $33.73
3-inch meter - $56.21 4-inch meter - $84.32 6-inch meter - $151.78
8-inch meter - $236.10 10-inch meter - $348.53 12-inch meter - $460.95
Water Plus Volume Charge:
First 30,000 gallons used each month - $4.54 per 1000 gallons
Next 70,000 gallons used each month - $4.27 per 1000 gallons
Next 200,000 gallons used each month - $3.82 per 1000 gallons
Over 300,000 gallons used each month - $2.71 per 1000 gallons
Sewer Use Charges:
Volume Charge - $3.37 / 1000 gallons
Sewer Monthly Service Charges:
5/8-inch - $11.55 1-inch - $27.00 1½-inch - $50.00
2-inch - $65.00 3-inch - $116.00 4-inch - $190.00
Rate Surcharges for BOD, suspended solids or phosphorus that exceed rate parameters.
BILLING: Bills for water service are rendered monthly and become due and payable upon issuance following the period for which service is rendered. A late payment charge of 1 percent per month will be added to bills not paid within 20 days of issuance. This late payment charge will be applied to the total unpaid balance for utility service, including unpaid late payment charges. The late payment charge is applicable to all customers. The utility customer may be given a written notice that the bill is overdue no sooner than 20 days after the bill is issued. Unless payment or satisfactory arrangement for payment is made within the next 10 days, service may be disconnected pursuant to Wis. Adm. Code ch. PSC 185.
COMBINED METERING: Volumetric meter readings will be combined for billing if the utility for its own convenience places more than one meter on a single water service lateral. Multiple meters placed for the purpose of identifying water not discharged into the sanitary sewer are not considered for utility convenience and shall not be combined for billing. This requirement does not preclude the utility from combining readings when metering configurations support such an approach. Meter readings from individually metered separate service laterals shall not be combined for billing purposes.
Buildings used in the same business, located on the same parcel, and served by a single lateral may have the customer's water supply piping installed to a central point so that volume can be metered in one place.
Related Documents
Contact Info
Jerad Royal
Utilites Manager
[email protected]
Tonya Long
Deputy Treasurer/Utility Account Clerk
115 W Pleasant Street
608-742-8486 ext 109
[email protected]
Jessica Congdon
Water Utility Customer Account Clerk
115 W Pleasant Street
(608)742-4727 ext163
[email protected]
Wastewater Treatment Plant
1600 E Wisconsin Street
Portage, WI 53901
Water Utility
115 W Pleasant St
Portage, WI 53901