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The City of Portage staff strive to keep you updated on all matters related to your community. If you do not find the information you need, please contact our office and we will gladly assist you! Subscribe today and receive up to the minute News and important Alerts delivered straight to your inbox.
Public Hearing Notice 3/13/25
See the following link for Dorr & whitney Streets Public Hearing 3/13/25
2/14/2025 - Snow Emergency Declaration
Due to the forecasted snow amounts and inclement temperatures to follow, the City has declared a Snow Emergency beginning Saturday, February 15th, 2025, beginning at 4:00AM. The Snow Emergency regulations allow the Department of Public Works to respond to snowfall events in a more timely manner, improve the efficiency of plowing operations, and provide safer travel conditions for the plow operators and motorists, alike. We appreciate you patience during the posted timeframes.
Frozen Plumbing Fixtures
With the current temperatures today and into tomorrow, residents and property owners who have a history or concern of freezing interior plumbing lines are encouraged to protect against damage to these lines by insulating exposed pipes, turning off water chases, or running a thin stream of water (about the width of a pencil), from the indoor faucet farthest way from the water meter.
1/6/2025 Water Main Break
A Construction Crew will be performing a water main repair Mid 500 block of East Slifer street tomorrow Tuesday, January 7, 2025. Beginning at 8:00AM. Additionally, in order to isolate the water main for repair, the water main will be turned off from Red Pine/Pine Ridge to Hamilton street on East Slifer Street. Residents in this area may experience low water pressure over night as water main needs to be isolated overnight. Customers whose water services fall along this segment of roadway will not have water during the period of work which we are hopeful to be completed by close of business day tomorrow. We apologize for any inconveniences during this timeframe.
1/3/2025 Water Main Break
Update 1/3/25 11:21am - Water main is repaired and water is back on
Notice of Noncandidacy
Alderperson Susan Bauer Frye has filed noncandidacy papers and will not be running for reelection for Alderperson District 2 in the April 1, 2025 Spring Election.
Tree Removals - Week of 12/23
The City of Portage will be performing tree removals along E. Albert Street (between Hamilton and STH-33), beginning on Thursday, December 26th, 2024. During this time, sections of E. Albert Street will be limited to 1-way traffic. Flaggers will be on-site to assist with traffic control. Work is expected to be completed on Friday, December 27th, 2024, if not sooner.
Additionally, on Friday, December 27th, 2024, the City of Portage will be performing tree removals on Hamilton Street (between STH-33/Cook and E. Edgewater). During the tree removals, Hamilton Street will be closed to through traffic. Work is expected to be completed on Friday pending weather.
Revised 2024 Garbage & Recycling Collection Schedule
An error was found on the City’s previous Garbage & Recycling Schedule. Please be aware that December 24 and December 25 garbage and recycling will be collected on December 24 as shown on the revised Schedule. In addition, January 1 garbage will be collected on December 31.
Notice of Noncandidacy
Mayor Mitchel Craig has filed noncandidacy papers and will not be running for reelection for Mayor in the April 1, 2025 Spring Election.
Public Forum - W. Wisconsin Street
The City of Portage will be hosting a Public Forum in relation to the 2025 road reconstruction of W. Wisconsin Street (Pleasant to Edgewater), on December 17th, 2024, from 5:30PM to 6:30PM in the Portage Municipal Building Council Chambers.
Special Leaf Pickup
There will be a special City of Portage leaf pick-up on Monday, November 18th. Please have bagged leaves on the curb/boulevard by 6:00AM. Guidelines for leaf pickup can be found on the City Website at Leaves that are not bagged will not picked up. The Airport Road Compost Site is also open for leaf drop off. Note, do not leave plastic bags at this site when removing your leaves.
Road Closure 11/14/2024
Beginning tomorrow morning, November 14th, at 7:00AM, the northbound traffic lane of MacFarlane Road between W. Pleasant Street and W. Wisconsin Street will be closed for concrete road repairs. A detour route will be posted utilizing W. Conant Street to W. Wisconsin Street. The southbound traffic lane will remain open during the repairs. The roadway is expected to back open to the public by close of business on Thursday, November 14th.
General Election 11/05/2024
The City of Portage had one provisional ballot. General Election November 5, 2024
Lane Closure - New Pinery Road
In an attempt to alleviate flooding associated with the railroad viaduct between Albert Street and Oneida Street, City crews will be installing a temporary pump and discharge hosing along the northbound traffic lanes of New Pinery/Dewitt. The right-hand northbound traffic lane of New Pinery/Dewitt will be closed beginning this afternoon from Burns Street to the viaduct. Traffic will remain unchanged in the left-hand northbound traffic lane. We apologize for any inconvenience.