The City Clerk’s Office provides administrative support to the Common Council and department managers, serving as an informational and documents resource center for all city departments and the general public alike.
Among the City Clerk’s specific duties and responsibilities are:
- Serves as the legal custodian of all official City documents; maintains custody, control, filing and storage of ordinances, resolutions, and meeting minutes.
- Administers elections and all election related activities as required by Federal and Wisconsin laws; maintains Statewide Voter Registration System for the City.
- Coordinates and schedules official meeting of the Common Council, Council Committees, and public hearings; ensuring compliance with the Wisconsin Open Meetings Law.
- Records for permanent record the minutes of all Common Council meetings.
- In concert with City Assessor coordinates the annual property assessment process; prepares and maintains the Assessment Roll.
- Prepares and maintains the Tax Roll.
- Receives and responds to all Open Records requests in accordance with the Wisconsin Open Records Law.
- Issues various Municipal and State licenses and permits
- Receives and processes insurance claims filed against or on behalf of the City.
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Contact Info
Rebecca Ness
City Clerk
115 W Pleasant Street
[email protected]
Jillian Baerwolf
Deputy Clerk
115 W Pleasant Street
[email protected]